Friday, February 17, 2012

Take search & rescue and help train a future first responder!

This just in! Your paid enrollment in the upcoming Certificate in Search & Rescue Basic Training just became your opportunity to help the Hartford Fire Department train the capital city’s future first responders.

Starting today (Friday, February 17, 2012), for every one paid enrollment for the Certificate in Search and Rescue Basic Training, Capital Community College will grant a full scholarship for the same course to a member in good standing of the Hartford Fire Explorers Post #1.

The Hartford Fire Explorers Post #1 is a program sponsored by the Hartford Fire designed to teach youth between the ages of 14 and 22 about the fire service and encourage them to become future firefighters.

What a deal! For just $595, you’ll be getting a great training to further your career as a first responder, and you’ll be securing the same professional training experience for a future first responder from our capital city.

For more information, contact Carol Vassar-Pettit at (860) 906-5038 or by email at

Monday, February 13, 2012

The CE Channel e-newsletter

Here's the cover of the premier edition of our brand new e-newsletter, The CE Channel. To get the full edition, please email me at 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Basic Search and Rescue begins March 3 - sign up today!

Basic search and rescue is now open for registration within Capital Community College's Division of Continuing Education! Class begins March 3!

This course is an introductory level certificate program designed to introduce and train emergency care, public safety and public health professionals and other interested members of the public in the appropriate and proven search and rescue skills, such as search theory, navigation, wilderness travel and handling evidence.

Individuals who complete all 10 weeks of this training will have an understanding of lost person behavior, emergency survival and the ability to deal with external influences, such as family members of the missing, and the media. 

Capital is fortunate to have as the instructor for this course Al Beland, whose 30-plus years knowledge and experience in both first response and search and rescue more than qualify him as an expert in the field.

Students must be at least 18-years-old, have a high school diploma or GED prior to registration, no criminal record that will impact employment, and have completed the National Incident Management System (NIMS) basic courses 100, 200 & 700. Definitely don't let this NIMS class requirements be a deal breaker - they are offered free on-line by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). Visit to finish that prerequisite today.

Heck, if yours truly (who abhors the wilderness and is almost always lost herself) can successfully complete the NIMS training in less than a day, so can you ;)